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September 14, 2005

Left hand

I am primarily typing this with my left hand, as I cannot with my right. I burned it cooking lentils, and the pain I am suffering is unusually excruciating. I burn myself cooking all the time (when will I learn that I just can't use a dishtowel and require the all-around security of an oven mitt?), but this is at a level that I cannot remember experiencing.

Anyways, I went to the Red Cross meeting today and I was disappointed. I would be stuck here for at least another month (!!) when, by that time I might be back in NOLA. Which seems totally pointless when I could be affecting much more useful and personal change out of my house in Uptown. As important as distribution of water is to people in shelters, I don't know if I can just stand that bureaucracy coupled with the all the underhanded shit of the Red Cross' expenditures during 9/11 and the Iraqi War and attractively topped with the pointlessly long wait.

What I wouldn't do for the normalcy of Tulane right now. I've been working full-time at Bloodroot and shit is about to hit the fan and I think a mini-Magna Carta needs to be written up. I am ok with being paid eight dollars an hour (great for my skill level, but hypocritical for feminists to pay beneath a living wage), but I, and everyone else is sick of being treated as less than human beings by Selma.

Stina is thinking of coming to NOLA next semester, which would be awesome, and getting involved politically and socially in the town and doing litsoc stuff at Tulane. I will probably call here later tonight and ask for some advice/mention she could take journalism classes out of the UC part-time. Surprisingly, I find Stina very rational in many respects, especially considering how little she believes in her mental stability. Despite her distance she seems thus far to be the person who has the best advice. Not to imply that it is necessarily the advice that makes me most happy, but that it seems the best idea, in that she knows so much about me and knows very often what is best for me.

Posted by jay at September 14, 2005 9:03 PM